Interbrand released its annual Best Global Brands ranking for 2013 on September 30, 2013. Brands are significant business assets with the combined value of the brands in Interbrand’s 2013 ranking equals $1.5 trillion USD.
Apple is now the world’s most valuable brand at $98.316 billion, dethroning Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola held the top ranking for a consecutive 13 years since Interbrand’s released its inaugural Best Global Brands ranking in 2000. Google is the world’s second most valuable brand, with a valuation of $93.291 billion. Five of the world’s top 10 most valuable brands in the 2013 ranking are classified by Interbrand as in the technology sector.
According to Interbrand’s 2013 ranking, technology brands constitute 12 of the world’s 100 most valuable brands – the second most dominant sector by number of brands in the report. While technology brands – defined by Interbrand as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, Intel, Cisco, HP, Oracle, SAP, Facebook, Dell and Adobe – may constitute the second most dominant sector in the 2013 ranking, many if not all of the remaining 88 brands in Interbrand’s ranking have a strong technology component to their goods/ services.
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