New restrictive data protection law forces international internet companies to abandon Russian market.

Angela Merkel outlined a vision for the future of the internet with a "special" lane for high priority service.

Big tech companies roll out bold measures to protect the privacy of users by including strong built-in encryption in the new deices.

Spark is making waves with Photon, a postage stamp sized Wi-Fi development board for building connected devices.

Edutainment is a growing trend offering games with the background in multiple areas and better accessibility to users that is poised to...

Approximately 2.5 million Raspberry Pis have been shipped to date - a huge leap from the original plan of 10,000 units.

Silent Circle presented a new smartphone that focuses on mobile privacy.

Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, is testing unmanned drones to deliver goods to customers.

3D technology that is being used by professionals in the automotive, aerospace, orthopaedic, cardiovascular and dental industries, as well as in architecture,...