
Strict rules to protect the secrecy of electronic communications can hamper EU digital innovation

The Global Sourcing Association named Ukraine the Offshoring Destination of the Year at GSA UK AWARDS.

The EU commission puts forward tougher privacy rules for digital communications by expanding the 2009 E-privacy Directive to online services.

The European Commission has unveiled a VAT Digital Single Market Package to improve the Value Added Tax (VAT) environment for e-commerce businesses...

Digital Economy and Society Index shows country by country situation in Europe.

MPE's advocate adjusting EU rules to combat breaches of intellectual property rights in the online environment.

The Council of the European Union keeps blocking the legislation on the principle of net neutrality

The judge ruled that the terms of license agreement restricting the "second hand" sale of software cannot prevail over the mandatory provisions...

The Dutch foreign minister and the head of the EU foreign service propose a designation of specific elements of the cyber domain...

Top 7 European crowdfunding champions for business investment.

A new report on kicks off debate on a common EU copyright law that would fix the failures of copyright harmonization across...

Small market players are expected to get hit with the rules that command charging VAT in the country of the consumer that...